At a local dollhouse shop I found the perfect cabinet for my "to make shop". So when I got home I could finally start making it. Since I had a piece of the right wallpaper left I had it nearly(again) finished in two days. The front of the shop with the window still needs some attention but again nearly finished. Just some paint and ageing and it's perfect. Well next week I don't have to work so guess what I will be doing? Indeed finish some of the projects allready started! Issn't that just a good start for 2012? The reason to work on this little shop? That I finally was able to put my lovely collection of Veronique Lux toys in it. I still needs more toys.
And today I had my first workshop this year. We've got nine tiles to paint something on. Of course in "Delfts Blauw". We've looked through old examples and came up with this design. It took us all day to draw and paint it in different shades of blue. This project was really tiny, it's just a bit wider and higher than 1 inch...but we've made it! But we couldn't take it home yet since it needs one more time to go into the oven. I really like the shape of the basket.